26th December 2024

Search Village Website for the people of Old

GreenHill Solar Farm - Survey Results

Old Parish Council recently conducted a survey to gather insights on parishioner's level's of knowledge and understanding of the proposed GreenHill solar farm The primary objective of this survey was to understand the appetite for further information about the GreenHill Solar proposal. We reached out to parishioners through email, via the village website, social media and a leaflet drop.

The purpose of the survey was to gather information on the level's of information that parishioners had been sent / exposed to / discovered.

The overwhelming response was that parishioners no matter what their initial thoughts on the proposals wanted more information on the proposal.

To this end all parishioners of Old have been invited to attend two meetings:

Saturday October 26th –

Solar Farm Information Morning

Walgrave Village Hall

11am – 1pm

Presentation 11.30

Stuart Andrews MP will be attending

Saturday December 7th -

Greenhill Solar Consultation / Presentation

Walgrave Village Hall

9am - 4pm

Drop in

Posted: Fri, 25 Oct 2024

Tags: News, solar